Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Google FusionTables and Construction

Recently I came across a new Google feature called Fusion Tables. Like excel Fusion Tables allows a user to visualize database information. When browsing the possible visualization types I found Maps to be the most intriguing.

When I inserted a database I had listing several construction companies and their basic locations in the US I was able to instantly get a Google Map with points indicating the central office locations

Not only does this allow you to generate a map of locations, but it also generates a Google Earth File for additional visualization. So what can this tool do for a project?

I have two examples I'll try and explain. First imagine a project going for LEED accreditation. To demonstrate credits for material locations a database of material suppliers and manufacturers can be input in to FusionTables along with the addresses of said suppliers. This can be used to generate a map to illustrate where the materials are coming from.

The second example involves a major construction company with subcontractors all over the country (or a sub with many suppliers). Input all addresses from a database and generate a map so when a new project is up for bid, local contractors and subs can be used.

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