Thursday, October 1, 2009

Pourous Concrete Test

This video demonstrates the [AWESOME] ability of pourous concrete. Here it is being deluged with water from a concrete mixer. What is so amazing is how quickly it drains through the concrete.

As I watch this questions flood my mind. How deep does this slab have to be to resist uplift? Is there a special method required for the substructure? Are there special rebar requirements, or other installation requirements?

If anyone out there knows of some helpful links, please drop them in the comments section. So far all I have found is this site for pervious concrete paving.


Ned said...

That's a great video. Do you mind if I use it on my blog? I've used porous bitum paving, but never porous concrete. I'll have to give it a try.

Anonymous said...

Auburn has some interesting facts:

This is a great site BTW!!