12:00 pm
Partly Cloudy
Caisson work is progressing northward. There were an additional two steel workers from the drilling company assembling ReBar. That means that two two-man teams were working simultaneously and within about 15 feet of one another.
The project also presents new insights into building with existing site conditions. The site is a parking lot, which means it is impervious for rainwater. To solve this a drainage pit had to be excavated at the southern end. Also a one-foot berm was created running north-west from the drainage pit. Any water running down over the parking lot is diverted into the pit.
Material storage will be interesting to observe. Once the caisson drilling progresses to the middle of the site, the storage of the caisson sleeves will become an issue that has to be dealt with.
Trailers are all located at the far northern end of the site. Home football game days create traffic congestion so no work is performed on Saturday or Sunday.
In observing a new drainage line that was being installed one can see three pieces of equipment in use. At the far end of the trench an excavator is used to removed the soil. A worker is fitting a drain pipe in a trench barrier. The white machine above the trench is backfilling the trench with stone and soil. In the foreground, one can see a sheepsfoot roller for compaction.
Also got a glimpse of some drainage covers from the Everlasting Vault Company of Randallstown, MD. These vault covers have travelled nearly 300 miles from Maryland to Blacksburg.
More to follow on Wednesday the 30th.
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