Friday, June 12, 2009

Backyard Renovation - Phase III

Mostly Cloudy & Rain

Some photos of the backyard at 98%. There are some pockets here and there that need some gravel infill, but will have to wait. I could not find river stone so I purchased about 25 bags of crushed marble. They were originally all white and covered in powder, but after the rains of the last couple of days several shades of gray have appeared.

Some new Lessons learned have arisen. Having the garden adjacent to the prestine crushed stone with only a thin barrier shows that it will be hard to maintain cleanliness at that edge. In the future I would go with a wider barrier - like a railroad tie or small cement block to widen the distance between dirt and clean stone.

Also you always need more stone then you can estimate. The garden is doing great. We finished up the area near the house with a small curved planting area with some Irish Moss.

To finish up I just have a couple of small pockets to fill in with stone - nothing visible in these photos. Afterward there should be some suttle white lines along the fence and the shed.
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