11:55 am
48 degrees
My first attempt to create a 4D model - and it has no connection to the site observation from previous posts. The 4D model is a tool for visualizing construction. It takes schedule data and parametric graphical data and links them to create an animated sequence of construction. It does not include formwork, labor, equipment of material handling, but it does a fair job or showing the overall process.
This model was created (for a school assignment) with Autodesk Revit and 3DViz, Microsoft Project, and Bentley CommonPoint. The Revit model was exported to Viz, the Viz model as well as the MS Project schedule was exported to CommonPoint. In Commonpoint, the structure was linked to the schedule and an animation was generated and captured.The graphic conversion is not perfect due in part to my limited experience with the programs. I was surprised to learn how much has to occur as a prerequisite for this visualizaton to take place. More to follow.
The visualization is exciting, but rather limited. The graphics did not import properly (probably my experience though), and orientation in the program was a little difficult. Other than that, the visualization occurs immediately. As soon as a work item is linked to a schedule item there is intelligence. I wonder though if the cross-platform conversions are to blame for the graphic errors.
Please feel free to comment. Cheers.
The visualization is exciting, but rather limited. The graphics did not import properly (probably my experience though), and orientation in the program was a little difficult. Other than that, the visualization occurs immediately. As soon as a work item is linked to a schedule item there is intelligence. I wonder though if the cross-platform conversions are to blame for the graphic errors.
Please feel free to comment. Cheers.
As Doc Brown would say, now you're thinking 4th dimensionally.
David, Very good try, the application requires a strong (typically dedicated) graphics card to render the graphics properly. I run that same exercise on my laptop and another desktop an there is a world of visual difference. Its easy to see when displayed on different systems with different graphics capabilities.
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