Tuesday, September 30, 2008


This blew my mind. This column is part a two story steel superstructure and it is resting on 4 anchor bolts (Studying architecture, I always conveyed this detail as the steel resting firmly on a foundation - not so!). To think about it this way, hundreds upon hundreds of pounds of steel are resting on these bolts!

The reason, as I understand it, that this detail exists is that it allows for tolerance. That is it accounts for discrepencies between the foundation and the column and allows for the column to be adjusted for level and flushness It(experts out there correct me if I am wrong!).
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The next photo shows the same column, one week later, and the base has been filled with non-shrink grout. As it was explained to me, the grout is continually applied from one side until is issues from the other end, thus ensuring a fully filled area.

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